Automate your tedious booking tasks
Connect Checkfront to over 3000 Zapier integrations, including Mailchimp, Slack, Google Sheets, and more.

More bookings, less work
Spending too much time on the little things? Our Zapier integration takes care of your “sigh-worthy” booking tasks so you can focus on the bigger picture.

Unify your business apps
Missing an essential integration? All you need is one. Build your dream booking toolkit with Checkfront and Zapier.

Work in the background
Get things done even when away from your desk. Set up triggers and actions to finish small tasks automatically.

No more waiting around
Is your to-do list holding up your team? Share info with them in real-time so they can see what they need to see ASAP.

What does Zapier do?
Zapier moves booking info from Checkfront to your other business apps. Simply build a workflow and it’s all hands-free from there.

Staff scheduling
Add new bookings to a Google Calendar for scheduling shifts or notify your team of any booking changes with a Slack message.
Contact syncing
See your guests in more than one place. Automatically create contacts from new bookings in Quickbooks Online, Hubspot and more.

Email marketing
Grow your subscriber list from new booking contacts or win back lost customers by initiating an email workflow from cancelled bookings.
How to set up Zapier with Checkfront

Activate the add-on
Log into you Checkfront account and find the Zapier integration by going to Manage > Addons

Build your workflows
Create a Zap by adding a trigger and one or more actions. Then repeat for every booking task.

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