Checkfront Merchants Surpass $3 Million in Online Bookings

By Erick Tomaliwan

Booking ManagementBooking Management

Running in a field with friends

We are happy to announce that Checkfront merchants have surpassed $3 million (USD) in bookings since we launched version 1.0 of our platform less than 7 months ago.

For a new startup, we arrived at this milestone earlier than expected, but are nonetheless very happy to be here. An obvious big thanks to all of our customers for putting their business’s in our hands, and providing ongoing in-valuable feedback.

Without a doubt, the most rewarding part of doing what we do is connecting with so many interesting businesses worldwide, and have an opportunity be a part of their success.

We thought we’d take this opportunity to share a few stats from our network. These statistics are gathered are in aggregate from our active (non-trial) accounts for Paid, Deposit, or Reserved bookings as of February 21st 2011. Currency conversions (non USD) are calculated from the date created.

Total value of bookings processed since Checkfront 1.0 (June 2010)

Total value of bookings processed since Checkfront 1.0

Bookings by currency

Checkfront has seen steady growth worldwide, and is currently used by businesses in 27 countries.

This chart shows the most popular currencies used on the platform based on the total value of all bookings processed.

Bookings by currency

Bookings by market

Checkfront services several vertical markets well. Although the bulk of our initial customers were in the accommodation space, we have seen some amazing growth in other markets over the last few months.

Bookings by market

Looking forward…

We have some great new features set for the service in the coming months. Stay tuned!

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