6 Lessons on Creating Travel Packages for Your Guests

By Erick Tomaliwan

Operator HighlightsOperator Highlights

Tropical flora

We previously wrote about how Drake Bay Getaway Resort won 2015’s Boutique Hotel Awards and owner/operators Yens Stellar and Patrick Ludwig attribute their success to paying attention to the finer details (and a little help from Checkfront!). We’ve collected 6 lessons on how to create the perfect vacation package, learned from Drake Bay Getaway Resort.

How to create a vacation package

1. LISTEN to your guests

There’s no one better to tell you how to make a vacation perfect than your guests. Find out exactly what they’re looking for in a vacation – pure relaxation, adventure, both? Activity suggestions tailored to their ideal vacation will make your guest feel right at home and planning their next vacation before they even leave!

2. Keep all of your guest & booking data centralized

Whether you take online bookings, or prefer to take them over the phone like Drake Bay, keeping all of your bookings and guest data in one central place is key to avoiding mistakes. Your booking platform should be the only place you and your staff need to go to see the daily itinerary, what’s coming up, and who might need special attention.

3. Spending too much time on email?

With today’s technology, you can automate a ton of your daily tasks so you have more time to take care of the guests who are actually on your property. You don’t want to spend your day glued to a screen emailing your guests, so let automatic notifications do that for you.

With Checkfront, you can set up automated, scheduled notifications for all booking statuses. We also integrate with popular marketing platforms like MailChimp and ConstantContact so you can easily keep all of your guests up to date!

4. Stop micro-managing!

Give your staff (restricted) access to bookings so they can see what each guest has registered for, and any special requirements they have. With Checkfront’s mobile applications, staff can review this information from anywhere with cell reception, and you can rest easy knowing all your guests’ needs will be taken care of. No excuses!

5. Track dietary restrictions, accessibility, and special occasions!

The proof of Drake Bay Getaway’s success is in the details, quite literally. Yens and Patrick are meticulous in ensuring they know as much about a guests needs as possible, so they can anticipate every move. A token to celebrate a birthday or anniversary can go a long way in making your guests feel special. Yens and Patrick simply add private notes to the guests’ booking to track this information. These little things make the unique souvenir ideas.

More free time for FUN!

Your guests might start feeling more like family, and there’s nothing better than being able to show them how much you love your job! Spend less time on data entry, and more time enjoying the business you’ve built.

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