Checkfront Added to the Google Apps Marketplace

By Erick Tomaliwan

Booking ManagementBooking Management

Person reading a map in front of a historical building

Victoria, BC — Checkfront Inc has added its Checkfront Online Booking System to the Google Apps Marketplace™, Google’s online storefront for Google Apps™ products and services.

Checkfront is a feature-rich Online Booking System that allows businesses to manage their inventories, centralize reservations, and process payments. It can be used to manage accommodation, events, rentals and professional services.

“Centralized reservation and booking systems have traditionally been cumbersome and expensive technologies, simply out of reach to most businesses.” says Jason Morehouse, company CTO. “We are firm advocates of cloud computing and believe it will revolutionize the online booking industry. Allowing our customers to leverage the power of Google Apps is a natural fit with our model”.

Checkfront integrates seamlessly into Google Apps, allowing organizations to easily manage their accounts and access privileges. It connects with the Google calendar to set booking and availability dates, as well as allowing reports and analytics to be viewed directly in Google Docs.

The Google Apps Marketplace makes it easy for more than 2 million Google Apps customers to discover, purchase and deploy integrated business applications and related professional services. By integrating with user account and application data stored in Google Apps, these cloud applications provide a simpler user experience, increase business efficiency, and reduce administrative overhead. To learn more, visit

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