How to Turn New Customers Into Old Regulars

By Checkfront Marketing

Marketing StrategiesMarketing Strategies

A group cheersing a round of drinks

There’s nothing more exciting than meeting and interacting with new customers—it’s an opportunity to spread your passion and get some new business. But your job isn’t done when the transaction goes through; it takes much less effort to encourage customers to return than it does to get new ones in the door. There’s a lot of value to be found in repeat customers, and it’s very important to market to them just as you would to newcomers. Here are four ways to get some loyalty and foster a lasting relationship with your customers.

Provide excellent customer service

You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so make it count. According to Kissmetrics, 71% of customers left a company due to poor customer service. It doesn’t matter how good your products are; if people don’t feel they’ve been treated well, they will stay away—and warn others to avoid you too. Cultivate an atmosphere of positivity, friendliness, and helpfulness, both in yourself and your staff; happy customers are far more likely to come back.

Offer discounts for repeat business

One of the easiest ways to encourage new customers to return is to give them an incentive to do so—like a coupon or group discounts. In a world where customers expect interaction and a personal touch from businesses, this sort of offer can be quite powerful. A “thanks for using us” email with a discount for their next purchase will not only make a great impression, it’ll give the customer something tangible to remind them to return.

Communicate, communicate, communicate

Don’t let your customers just walk away into the sunset; get their contact information if you can, and start communicating! Email marketing is still one of the most successful strategies out there, and if your customers have booked/bought online then you probably already have their email address. Use your newsletters to keep people up to date with current developments, but also to send exclusive offers or discounts. It’s a personal way to stay in touch and develop that relationship with your customers.

Have a loyalty program

A booking loyalty program make sense on many different levels. Customers are more likely to return to you if they’re a member of the club, or if they have some sort of incentive to come back—like a freebie after they’ve purchased a certain number of items. Loyalty programs are a great way to show that you appreciate your customers and are willing to give them a little something extra for their repeat business.

Your previous and current customers can be a great source of future revenue and by using these tips, you’ll be well on your way to seeing them again and again.

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