New API and Developer Tools

By Erick Tomaliwan

Booking ManagementBooking Management

Person using a laptop at the pool

We are happy to announce version 2.0 of our API. This release includes significantly more functionality over its predecessor. Developers can now build applications and integrations that have unrestricted access to the Checkfront platform.

New features include:

This release also sets the groundwork for our upcoming updated plugins for WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.

Open Source PHP SDK

To accompany this release, we have made available a PHP SDK as an open source project hosted on Github. The SDK is a turn-key tool kit for developers that takes care of authentication mechanisms, and provides ready access to core resources of the API.

SDKs for other languages are soon to follow including Ruby and Javascript.


Technically, the possibilities are (close to) endless. Some starting ideas are:

  • Import scripts for external databases or services.
  • Custom front-end widgets and integrations.
  • Custom reports.
  • Integration into third party applications.

If you are a developer and wish to contribute to a open source SDK, please find us on Github or contact us

* For more information on version 2 of the Checkfront API, please see our updated Developer API Documentation.

Version 1.0 moved to Legacy

Version 1.0 of our API will continue to be available, but we encourage all developers to build on the new platform, and update existing integrations when possible. There are no immediate plans to retire the 1.0 API.

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