Online Bookings With Quickbooks Merchant Services

By Erick Tomaliwan

Booking ManagementBooking Management

Person working on a laptop at a hip restaurant

We are happy to announce support for Intuit Merchant Service for QuickBooks. If you currently use QuickBooks Merchant Services for your POS or in-house bookings, you can now use the same account to process bookings online with Checkfront.

With QuickBooks Merchant Services, you can offer your customers the ability to pay in part or in full at the time of booking. It also fully integrates into the Checkfront back-office app.

Checkfront currently integrates into QuickBook Merchant Services by way of their direct payment method. This provides a seamless checkout for your customers, and fully integrates into the Checkfront back-office app.


  • Virtual Terminal
  • In App Refunds
  • Integrated Checkout
  • Sandbox / Simulator environments


To start using QuickBooks Merchant Services with Checkfront, login to your account, visit the add-on/E-commerce section, and select Quickbooks Merchant Services.

You’ll be prompted to click on a link that creates a “connection ticket”. This will require that you log in to your QuickBooks Merchant Account and will present you with a “connection ticket” and a request for authorization. Copy and paste the connection ticket into the Checkfront add-on setup to activate.

Alternatively you can get the connection ticket by following this link.

Test mode

If you have a test account and wish to use the QuickBooks add-on in sandbox mode, you need to obtain a separate connection ticket. Remember to replace this when disabling test mode.

Test mode allows you to place transactions as if they were real, and test the systems end-to-end.

The following test credit card numbers can be used with Quickbooks while in test mode:

Master Card5105105105105100
American Express378282246310005
American Express371449635398431
Diners Club38520000023237

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