Checkfront + Reserve with Google: Helping Travelers Book “Things to Do” While Searching

By Erick Tomaliwan

Booking ManagementBooking Management

Reserve with Google

Reserve with Google will be discontinued by Google as of August 2021. As a result, the integration is no longer supported by Checkfront. Please reach out to our Technical Support team with any questions or concerns.

Today’s traveler expects a different booking experience than before. Enabled by technology, the path to purchase has become more convenient for almost all shopping. Instead of calling ahead or visiting in person, they look to buy tickets online. Consequently, they’ve come to expect a booking process that’s fast and reliable, as well as personal and frictionless.

But up until now, travelers had to check many sources to find information about a tour and activity. They’d bounce from site to site, trying to compare all options and prices. And while Checkfront makes it easy for them to book once they find what they’re looking for, it’s possible many don’t reach this point with the number of steps it takes to get there.

That’s why we’re so excited about Reserve with Google entering the tours and activities space. It means travelers can seamlessly complete a reservation at the start of their booking journey — great news for tour and activity operators.

Checkfront launches Reserve with Google integration

As of today, Checkfront officially integrates with Reserve with Google — a feature that allows users to look, book and pay on Google Search, Maps, and more. Seeing that Google is often the first place travelers go to find things to do, our team is thrilled about what this integration means for you.

Now, you have access to a promising sales channel that’ll make your tours and activities visible to a massive user base. With a booking button in one central and accessible location, you can increase your conversion rate during the search phase. And finally, users can progress intuitively through the booking process without navigating elsewhere — which helps reduce cart abandonment.

How does it work?.

With Checkfront and Reserve with Google, your real-time availability will show up on your Google listing. While searching, users can discover your tours and activities, see essential business information, and make a booking on any device. Your inventory will update automatically, and you’ll be able to track your bookings in the Checkfront dashboard.

Want to get started with Reserve with Google?

To opt-in to Reserve with Google, you must have an account with Checkfront and Google My Business, as well as meet Reserve with Google eligibility requirements. For more information on the integration, check out our article on how to set up Reserve with Google.

There are no fees to take bookings through Reserve with Google, and if you haven’t tried Checkfront yet, request a demo.

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