Electronic Document Signatures With RightSignature

By Erick Tomaliwan

Booking ManagementBooking Management

Right Signature

We’re happy to announce our latest integration with RightSignature. RightSignature is a fast and convenient way to to get documents signed without waiting on paperwork. Customers have several options when signing a document including signing directly on their smart phone.

Our RightSignature add-on allows you to present a digital copy of your terms of service, booking wavers, agreements or other documents you require a real signature on. Customers will be asked to sign a document at the time of booking and it will be stored digitally along with the rest of the booking details.

Collecting digital signatures significantly reduces your administrations, streamlines your booking process and centralizes your data. Signed agreements are one click away when viewing a booking on Checkfront and all documents are stored in a secure cloud environment.

Signatures can be legally binding and are compliant with U.S. and International e-Signature Laws The Federal E-SIGN Act, UETA, and other laws around the world which define legal e-signatures.


To enable RightSignature, you first need a RightSignature account. You can sign-up for a free trial at rightsignature.com.

You’ll want to create a template to use with your bookings. See creating templates in RightSignature for a video tutorial.

Once you have your template ready to go in RightSignature head back to your Checkfront login. Goto Manage / Add-ons and search for RightSignature. To connect the add-on click Activate and follow the authentication instructions.

Once connected you’ll need to select the template you created in RightSignature within the add-on setup.

When a new booking is created customers will be asked to sign the configured template. When the document has been signed it will be attached to the booking. Clicking on the link in the invoice will allow you to view or sign the entire signed document.

Enable RightSignature

Merge fields

Your template should only have a single signatory, however you can (currently) also specify an additional CC field to copy the document to the end customer.

The following table contains fields merged in from the current booking. Note these fields must be present in your booking form.

To set it up, simply create “merge fields” in the RightSignature template builder matching the field names in the left column. These will automatically be filled on generation.

$codeUnique id of the booking
$summaryDetails of booking
$totalBooking total
$date_descDescriptive date of booking
$customer_nameFull name of customer
$customer_addressCustomer street address
$customer_cityCustomer city
$customer_countryCustomer country
$customer_regionCustomer state / province

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