Tracking PPC Success with Google Adwords

By Erick Tomaliwan

Booking ManagementBooking Management

Person using a laptop

If you market your business via Pay Per Click PPC advertising with Google Adwords, you’ll want need to track your conversions. Obtaining Return On Investment (ROI) information for your online campaigns is perhaps the most important factor in evaluating the effectiveness of your online marketing initiatives.

There are a lot of resources available online to help you with Google Adwords. We do highly recommend that you consult a qualified Adwords expert, and/or do plenty of research before diving into pay-per-click. A finely tuned campaign can have an immediate positive impact on your revenues; however, a poorly tuned and monitored campaign can be disastrous and costly.

A good starting place is Getting Started with Google Adwords Campaigns at

Setting up Google Adwords Tracking with Checkfront

Setting up Adword tracking with Checkfront is easy. First login to your Google Adwords account. Navigate to Tools and Analytics / Conversions and Create New Conversion.

You can name the new conversion “Checkfront Booking”, or something else that helps you identify it. Make sure it’s a Web page based conversion (default). Clicking next will bring you to the conversion settings. Be sure that https is selected, and leave the Conversion Value blank.

The final page will allow you to email your tracking code, or view it. You’ll want to view it to obtain the conversion id. This is a unique id that identifies the conversion. The conversion id is located in the code under “conversion_id = [number]”. Copy this number and supply it in the Adwords Setup in Checkfront.

The Adwords extension is in Checkfront login under Manage / Extend / Add-ons / Google Adwords in Checkfront.

Once activated in Checkfront, new customer bookings will be sent to your Adwords account along with the value of the transaction.

Please note the tracking status in your Adwords account will remain Unverfied until your first successful conversion.

If you don’t currently use Google Adwords, but are still interested in your conversion rates, have a look at our Google Analytics integration.