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Checkfront testimonials and success stories

Hear from current Checkfront customers on how our booking platform has revolutionized their business.

“Checkfront provides a professional and flexible solution that is easily scaled to meet our varying global needs.”

Michelle Christie
Business Development Manager
Jaguar Land Rover Experience

“What we do hear repeatedly from our current customers is that the entire process of finding us, finding what they want, right to the checkout, is very easy and they’re always saying, “the website is amazing, it was so easy to book.” We hear that all the time.”

Anthony Clark
Rent-a-Tent Canada
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Urban Axes

How Urban Axes uses Checkfront to receive 90% of online bookings.

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Eagle Wing Tours

How Eagle Wing used Checkfront to become a leader in sustainability.

“I love Checkfront’s ability to customize the notifications on status, on availability, on an item — really gives me a lot of control in terms of how I communicate with customers.”

Adam Walker
Canmore Cave Tours
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How Zrce.eu targets travelers with Checkfront’s mobile bookings.

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B&C Camera

How B&C Camera uses Checkfront automation to deliver great customer service.

“Checkfront is a flexible system that allows us to place our multi-day packages in front of the customer, allowing for easy reservations for our packages.”

Chris Tait
G2 Reviewer
A person using their smartphone near a rocky beach

Read more about our customers on our blog

Take your business to the next level.

Online bookings. Flexible pricing. Outstanding support